Building your Narrative

The listing presentation is the ultimate story of what you do for your customer, but too many agents falter in the face of their competition. In this Coaching Tip, I’m telling you that building your narrative is the way to leverage the one part of the process that is unique: You.

You bring things to the table that make you irreplaceable as a phenomenal agent. If you want to be successful in your business today you have to be better than ever before at knowing what those things are and explaining them with confidence.

I’ll tell you the key numbers you need to look at for yourself and your agency. I’ll also demonstrate dialogue you can use for your listing presentations to give the customer a top-floor perspective and valid reasons to use you.

Building your narrative can be based on a number of elements and I’ll list those off for you. It’s critically important for you to have that narrative and be clear about what it is that you do better than anyone else. Do that and you’ll win more business at the fee you deserve.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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