What you tolerate is your standard

In business, you must have standards, but let’s be clear: What you tolerate is your standard. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how standards affect customer service, and why your customer service is your brand.

First I’m going to define what the customer experience is by stepping you through an open for inspection from the customer’s point of view. You’ll see clearly what the customer’s expectation is for how you should serve them.

This standard allows you to get great buyer work, which leads to great listings. As you meet more and more people your standards need to scale. But too many agents don’t even know what their standards are, and so those standards start to slip.

Ultimately the challenge is that when you drop those basic standards the most powerful things you’ve been doing inside of your business vanish. Think about where you actually need to establish standards, because they’ll lead you to better outcomes.

I’ll list some examples of basic standards and ways to offset sticky situations. Remember, what you tolerate is your standard, so instead of ignoring or improvising, design a process around what your customer goes through so you can provide better service for them.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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