What’s the Real Lead Source?

What’s the real lead source in your business? As an agent, you have to understand this, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you use your real estate portal to identify what actually generates your best leads – and it may not be at all what you think.

We’re going to talk about the 6 major lead sources and how to use them to figure out which is really working for you. Then you can amplify that lead source to generate more leads, or maybe open a new one to further grow your business.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen an explosion of buyers coming through opens. I’ll tell you how to handle that volume of people, and also how to take a good lead source and do something even better with it.

It’s what you do after the open that can convert it into a genuine lead source. I’ll step you through the actions to take and how to measure results, and I’ll show you how to evaluate those customers so that you can better serve them.

You have some incredible lead opportunities, but what’s the real lead source? I’ll tell you what you’re missing that’s sitting inside of your business already and how to decide what to do next to achieve your potential.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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