Great Business Turnarounds

If you’re dissatisfied with your current result and have a vision of where you want to go, then let’s prepare to take action today. This week in my Coaching Tip I’ll show you how great business turnarounds work, and tell you how to make that happen for yourself.

The characteristics of a turnaround begin with clarity of the goal and taking action toward achieving it. I’ll explain why you should put in a directions meeting at the start of each day, and then have a loop-back meeting around 3pm to check on everyone’s progress.

You’ll also do a 45-minute call session at the start of every business day. We always need to be doing more buyer appointments, market appraisals and listing appointments. And if you’re taking action then you’re going to feel much better about your day.

Time is always limited so you need to prioritise your work. This gives you a clear set of values that allow you to make better decisions. I’ll also tell you why health, family and work are the three values I consider most important.

Finally, I’ll talk about making an all-day appointment for each day of the week so you always have everything in alignment. Get clarity around your actions and work from a structure instead of emotions to make your own great business turnarounds happen and achieve your potential.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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