28 Days or Less

No owner wants to have to do another open home or re-list their property if it doesn’t sell. Your job as their agent is to make sure their property sells in 28 days or less and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to get that job done.

Too many properties are going back to the market for a second or third time because the agents handling them failed. And the longer a property is on the market, the more likely it is to sell at a discount.

One of the reasons we love auctions is that we can get the best buyers together to bid and buy, and then the owner can move on. The challenge is that too may people don’t know what to do before they go to auction, and how to get a property ready.

I’ll explain how you can get the property in the best position to sell, bring some potential buyers through before the auction, get some quality feedback, and possibly get an offer. And it’s in your owner’s best interest to get it sold as unconditionally as possible.

To sell a property in 28 days or less you need to do the appropriate thing for the market, the property, the owner, and for you as an agent. Keeping your days on market short lets you present a better customer experience and sell more property more often.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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