Scripts and Dialogues

People can tell if a conversation is fake, and my Coaching Tip this week is about using scripts and dialogues naturally. What really makes this work is confidence in using your own words to get where you need to be.

The real challenge is the critical path to shortcutting the conversation by asking the best quality questions. You also need to be able to anticipate the questions the client is going to ask you. Your delivery within the first 15 seconds can make a call successful – or not.

It’s easy to get caught up in unnecessary talk, so I’ll show you how to avoid those pitfalls and get really clear about the key outcomes you’re trying to achieve. You’ll also learn why the last 10% of the conversation is where you make your money by getting commitments.

Follow-through is also critical. Never leave a call without being clear about your next steps. Write that down in your diary as an item to go and do. Regardless of market conditions, the best agents aim to get three appointments every day. If you do that you will see results.

What’s important is not to rely too much on actual scripts and dialogues. Be precise with your language, but be yourself. Focus on what you’re doing for the customer, ask better questions, and book those appointments.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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