Getting Clarity Of the Mission

Of all the things you can do, there are only a few that you should. My Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month is about getting clarity of the mission as a great business leader.

Your mission is important and you need to know every component of it. Everything you do must be about the mission, starting with understanding your revenue streams in order to drive them. That reoccurring revenue stream is the most important part of your business.

Most businesses are underfunded when they start out and they have no buffer when the markets change. You have to be able to cover your fixed costs and eventually own your asset bases. It’s critical, then, to have the clarity to make good decisions.

Keeping your mission front and center changes the way your business operates. Specific initiatives scale to become bigger lead sources. Ultimately you’ll get better results with your existing customers, and that keeps your marketing costs down.

The real focus of business growth is not just about income. It’s about building the value of the business and serving the greatest number of customers. Getting clarity of the mission will show you exactly what to do – and not do – to achieve it.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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