Fix The Leakage

One of your biggest mistakes right now is that you’re not doing enough with your existing strengths. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you how to fix the leakage around all of the leads you’re losing by not seeing what you already have.

The first thing I look for when I walk into a business is whether they’re working with their opportunities, or doing other things that won’t get results. What you need to do is print a list of all the people who have bought from you and contact them.

Those past clients are good customers. If you already have a set of known leads like that, why wouldn’t you call them? These are clients who have a problem they want to solve, and they’ve contacted you to help them do that. And it’s actually more expensive to find a new client than to work with an existing one.

A lot of your hesitation is about fear and capabilities you need to build, so I’ll give you some simple dialogue to help you ask the right questions and book appraisals. Some people you call are going to say no, but the ones who say yes are the ones you can build a relationship with. They’ll also give you good referrals.

So call all of your past clients, do the annual checkups, do the market appraisals, and fix the leakage by using the leads you already have sitting inside of your database. Call every buyer who ever inquired about a property and talk with them. Find your strengths and start working to them, and you’ll change the momentum in your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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