Team Dynamics

If you want to do more transactions, reduce stress, and have the ability to go on holiday, then you’re going to have to build a team. That’s why my Coaching Tip this week is all about team dynamics based on what you want from your people and what they want from you.

Your role as an agent is to set the vision so people will want to join your team. When you employ someone you also bring their network along with them, so you want to attract great people who can also generate great leads.

I employ people based on two things: What they bring to the team from a cultural perspective, and what they bring in terms of outcomes achieved. I’m not interested in activities; I’m interested in outcomes and that’s what we train for.

You also need to avoid setting up a leader-follower model that requires your team members to ask you about everything. Strive for a leader-leader model that enables your people to take more initiative and action on their own.

In a healthy team, team dynamics is also about recognition of those people who may not be on the front line of sales, but they’re at the core of your administrative operations. Give them some time and let them know that what they do inside of the organisation is important and appreciated.

So get clear around having the right people on your team and ensure that everyone is growing, learning and earning. Help them achieve great things in their lives and they’ll become better people by working for you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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