Be Intentional About Chosen Markets

The type of market you choose depends on how you intend to generate leads and the people you’ll get to meet. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll help you to be intentional about chosen markets so you’ll be able to build the business you want.

Consider your low, average and high-end sale prices. People buying high-end properties may be selling at an average sale price, whilst people buying at the average price may sell at a low price. And people buying low-end properties may be investors or landlords. Too many agents miss out on the opportunities these underserved customers represent.

As your career develops you may start in the lower price ranges, step up to the medium range, and then get to the high end. Regardless of price, make sure you start out in the marketplace that you want to end up in.

Choose a marketplace that is big enough for your aspirations and dynamic enough for the kind of business you want to build. The market you choose also determines the mediums you’ll use to connect with customers, whether it’s a social market, or you’ll use newspaper ads or outdoor signage.

Lead generation is changing. Realising that sellers are also buyers can direct you to generate leads in a completely different way. It’s about getting the average sale price right to bring you more trade-ins. To be intentional about chosen markets make sure the customer sees you as highly valuable. Learn how to trade in your marketplace and tell a better story to get the markets you deserve.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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