Champions are good at the Basics

If you think about it, the entire goal of what you do at the office every day is about getting on the phone. That’s because getting on the phone is what gets you the appointments. My Coaching Tip today is about why champions are good at the basics because that’s what gets the results and the outcomes we want.

You’ve got to start making better decisions about what you’re doing as an agent to drive the activities that actually work. Too often we’re trying to solve the wrong problem instead of looking at what’s already working and doing more of that. Get a formula that’s going to work for you so that you feel like doing it more often.

The best in the business hit that higher level of success by getting the most out of every call and making sure they’re helping the customer to move forward. And that starts with getting yourself into a position where you’re energetic and driven.

Great agents focus on the behaviours and activities that lead to success, and they schedule those activities so they stay consistent and reliable. Be decisive in your actions, but if what you’re doing isn’t working, then adapt boldly and shift. Find new methods and technologies that will get you in front of more customers and lead you to the results you desire.

Champions are good at the basics because they’re also good at knowing what they want and doing what it takes to get it. They’re willing to look at the things that aren’t working and eliminate those preventable errors that can cost millions of dollars in fees each year.

What you need to do, then, is strip it all back to the basics. Get back to doing 45-minute call sessions. Get back to booking three appointments a day. Use the systems that work consistently and set you up for success. And keep fuelling the energy you need to get everything you want out of your career.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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