How do you know when you’re Winning?

You want to be successful as a real estate agent, but what does that success look like for you? How do you know when you’re winning? In my Coaching Tip today I’ll give you the tools to answer those questions through measurable results.

To become a great agent, you need to design your business around the lifestyle you want to lead. This could include building an asset base, or having a great family life, exciting experiences and holidays you can enjoy. These are the outcomes you should always have in mind in order to feel purposeful and driven when you come to work.

My own basic philosophy is that every single minute you’re not in front of a customer is another minute that you’re not enjoying those things you really want to do in your life. Make sure you’re being highly efficient and effective around what it is that you’re doing.

In our 30-Day Intense Coaching Program, we have people do a call session every day for the first week. The second week they do two call sessions a day, and three call sessions a day in the third week. By then the momentum in their business has shifted because they’ve learned what really counts and what can be stripped out.

Think of a day you’ve had when you felt highly productive, you really had clarity and great things were happening for you. Now, break that down beginning with the 24 hours before that day. How were you doing with diet, exercise, sleep? What might have inspired you? Most likely you did something that helped you to get out there and achieve your potential.

So how do you know when you’re winning? You’ll start to get clarity around what your goals look like so you can achieve them. Once you feel like you’re winning you’ll do more of the work that produces more income, which gives you more choices and more of what it is that you really want to get out of life.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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