Positioning your Property correctly

No single marketing medium in isolation works on its own. My Coaching Tip today is about positioning your property correctly and to do that you need to understand how marketing to the modern consumer works.

As a real estate agent you need to think about where your buyers are going to see properties marketed. Most customers these days go to the Internet first, but there are other marketing mediums they are exposed to as well. You need to understand how to use all of them.

The modern consumer will see more than one item of marketing in their property searches. Beyond the different real estate websites and social media channels they visit, they’re also going to see things like window displays, magazines, emails, brochures and signboards. They may also be called directly by an agent, or referred to the property by other people.

It’s also important to understand that, especially in an auction situation, even if a customer doesn’t buy a property they can improve the level of competition on a particular sale just by bidding or making an offer. So you need to know which marketing mediums they used during their property search.

Using the law of contrast you can separate and differentiate the way you present a property by using the right mediums to really present it well. You need to be in every medium that the consumer is using for their property search, and understand the importance of positioning your property correctly.

What people are actually buying is a perceived lifestyle, and if you take shortcuts on marketing, you’re also going to take shortcuts on your vendor’s price. Clearly marketing and positioning are important to getting the best price possible for your properties.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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