Great Business Turnarounds

What is the one thing that will turn your business on its head in under 30 days? In my Coaching Tip today I’m talking about great business turnarounds, and I’m going to tell you how to make that recovery happen inside of your business.

You know how it happens. Things are going really well, then all of a sudden you’re not getting sales, it’s hard to get listings, negativity starts to get in the way and you’re in a real funk. You need a turnaround.

First thing, you’ve got to know what’s important. And that one thing that will really turn your business around is booking appointments. Getting in front of customers is where you are most influential. A minimum of three appointments a day is 600 appointments a year. That will get you to writing over $1 million in fees, in any market.

Now, there are three kinds of appointments. There’s the buyer appointment where you build those critical relationships. Second is the market appraisal appointment that’s not just about pricing, but it’s getting to know and understand the customer’s situation, their dissatisfactions, and their vision for the future. The third and best appointment is the listing appointment. This is where you get to tell your ultimate story of what you can do for the customer. This is where you win the business.

Buyer, market appraisal and listing appointments give you the numbers you need to ultimately shift your business performance. You probably won’t actually see the shift happen within 30 days, but that’s the point where great business turnarounds begin in terms of growing listing stock each and every month. And that’s where you’ll start to really build the consistency you truly desire.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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