What’s the Job You Get Done?

As your business scales you’re in danger of treating your customer experience like a transaction. In my Coaching Tip today I want you to ask yourself, what’s the job you get done? I’ll show you the warning signs that you might not be effectively dealing with your clients’ human issues during the course of selling their property.

You need to understand what your customers find valuable in what you do for them. They want you to help them get to Sold, they want you to help them get moved, and they want you to help them get everything done as quickly as possible. To ensure your success in meeting their needs you need a great set of rules.

Some of my own rules include not taking a listing without vendor-paid marketing, setting the right sales process for the style of property and current market conditions, and making sure pricing is right and understood by the client. I also insist that my clients are genuinely nice people with the right style of property in the right market area for my brand to be representing. And my client has to want to sell even more than I want to make the sale for them.

If you meet these rules and conditions you’ll be set for success. But you must also ensure that you’re responding to your client as a human being. Some warning signs that you’re not paying attention include a sudden resistance to more open homes, reductions in price, or payments for more marketing.

A great agent knows that if a property isn’t sold it’s because they need to take control of the situation. Get clear around what’s the job you get done for the customer. Ask great questions around what they would like to see happen, how they would like to proceed, and what they would like for you to do. Their answers will help you identify and drive for actions that will produce results.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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