Social Media and Your Brand

What social media does really well is amplify word-of-mouth marketing. If you do it right it can help you grow your business. In my Growth, Leadership, and Management tip this month I’ll show you how to build your brand through social media and avoid the mistakes others are making.

Your brand is more than just a logo. It’s an ethos you’ve worked hard to create for many years. It’s about what you understand, how you communicate, and your way of doing business. It’s the quality you bring to the actual transactional experience. It’s an exceptional thing and you need to protect it. One of the greatest challenges you face is how to best use social media.

No one has cracked the formula for making social really work. It’s been more of an explosion with no real strategy. The problem is that agents are coming from an individual place and competing for small audiences. Each salesperson has their own account on Facebook, Instagram, and so on. From a customer’s point of view, why would they choose to follow that individual real estate agent’s “dear diary”?

I’ve got a radical approach to social media. I have a single account as a person that’s also concentrated on my brand. We use unique, beautifully created content that’s specifically about the brand. It includes a shout out personally to my salespeople throughout the course of the week so they don’t need all those individual agent accounts. And rather than a following of a few hundred agents, we have several thousand followers from the entire community.

The thing that will make your business and your brand really move is having deep relationships with your existing customers. Post content that relates to the consumer, their situations and challenges – things that are more meaningful to them so they’ll want to follow you. Be a real person, and stay focused on the personal connection and your personal relationships through your brand. That will make social really work for you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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