Keep It Simple

Instead of getting distracted over what you think you’re supposed to do, let’s get clear about what you actually should do deliver the results your client needs. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you how to keep it simple to get more results for more customers.

Too many agents today are looking too hard at what everyone else is doing instead of concentrating on what they’re doing themselves. A great business starts with great systems. That can mean checklists, or forms, or dialogues, or visuals. The point of the system is to help you do the work, and teach other people how to do that with you.

Everything in life is about getting real clarity about your goals so you know what systems you’ll need to reach them. How many sales do you need, and how many properties? How will you generate leads and do appraisals? It’s your systems that will get you the results. And if you’re not getting there, then redesign the systems and put the right people in play to go get the result that you want.

Consider the type of business you want and design your system to produce it. Determine if you’re at a capacity issue right now, figure how many transactions a month you need to get to next, and decide what systems you need to get right in order to get that growth. You can also use time and motion studies to work ahead of the curve. How long does it take to produce, how simple is it, and is it getting the result you need? Time your processes and create systems to reduce time and work more efficiently.

You’ll actually get greater results if you simplify the process for the customer. A lot of agents produce large dossiers of information to impress their clients. Most clients want to hire an agent who can keep it simple, though. Boil down all of the key things you need to discuss with the client onto one page, keep it relevant and be direct, and they’ll trust and respect your opinion.

Like Zig Ziglar once said, if you help enough people get what they want then they’ll help you get what you want.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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