Setting Yourself Up For 2018

You will write more fees this year than ever before if you set your intentions right from the start. That’s why I’m talking to you in my Coaching Tip today about the importance of setting yourself up for 2018 with the right mindset and the right routines from the start.

How you navigate new market conditions over the next 12 months will have a massive bearing on your ability to build a bigger business this year than last. The 3 critical numbers you’ll need to think about are the average sale price, the volume of transactions, and average fee. And it’s what you do when the market stops working that will make all the difference.

You’re going to negotiate a much better sale price if you’ve already got a strong relationship and high level of trust with the buyer. They’ll take your advice and negotiations will go smoothly if you’ve established your relevance and consistency with them.

Getting intentions right is also about deciding to make this a year of growth, not only in your personal skills, but in really getting those intentions set. And that means setting routines to start your call sessions early and then head out to get those calls to happen.

I’m not going to talk about “prospecting.” In 2018 we’re going to call it “service” because you’re going to get on the phone and call people with important information they can benefit from, like open for inspections, new listings, and market appraisals.

Remember there are holidays in the first quarter, so get active around open for inspections and lead generation. Think about the volume of listings and sales, and put on new people so you can scale. You can only do five or six open for inspections on a Saturday by yourself. Build that team that can take you to twelve.

Setting yourself up for 2018 is about setting up for success. Set your intentions, set your routines, build your team for growth and you’re going to have a phenomenal year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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