Assumptions Never Win

You don’t want to make that phone call because you assume that client doesn’t want to sell their house. In my Coaching Tip today I’m telling you that assumptions never win, and you don’t know what that person wants to do until you talk with them. They may actually need your help to decide what’s best for them.

A big part of your business is about understanding how to serve people by helping them make change happen. The number one influence toward change is FOMO – the Fear Of Missing Out. With the rise of social media there’s more FOMO than ever. People see others they know making exciting changes as it happens. That creates anxiety and motivation to make those changes themselves.

Use FOMO to drive that change for your customers. Before you put that signboard in a yard, call up the people you know in that market area and tell them about it. Give them that insider information and they’ll start thinking. Then when you do put up the signboard and the open for inspections start to happen, people in the neighborhood will look at their own homes differently. Discussions will happen in those households about selling and moving up to something better.

This is your opportunity to make those appraisal appointments and ask the right questions. Find their areas of dissatisfaction with the home they’re in. A great real estate agent is a master at working people into a frenzy to make change happen by helping them see what they really hate about where they are and create a compelling vision for the move upward.

If you’re hesitant to call a potential seller because you don’t think they’ll want to sell, remember assumptions never win. It’s your job as an agent to care enough about your clients to help them do what it takes to improve their quality of life for the future. Be there for them before they know they need you, identify their dissatisfactions, and offer them solutions.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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