What Is Not As Good As It Could Be?

If you have a reoccurring problem, and you don’t have a solution to it, then you’ll have more of the same recurring problem. In my Coaching Tip this week I’m asking you to look inside of your business and your life to discover what is not as good as it could be.

The systems that got you here are not the systems that will take you where you want to go. We need to look at rebuilding those systems for incremental growth. Look for opportunities for improvement and start thinking differently about what you do as an agent.

I use a system called WWW EBI. That stands for What’s Worked Well and Even Better If. First, think of what’s going well for you inside of your business. Then consider the things that, if you just did them, would make for an even better outcome. And if someone has already done what you’re planning to do you can learn from their mistakes.

That recurring problem of yours is actually an opportunity for growth. The key is to get clear about where your weaknesses are, what isn’t going right, and what’s creating friction. Identify those problems, challenge yourself around what’s worked well, move toward what would be even better if, and you’ll make that incremental progress.

Once you know these things you can give feedback to your team members to help them make improvements to the things they already do well. Defining what is not as good as it could be will allow you to drive that incremental growth. That’s what will set you apart from your competitors and take markets by storm.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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