How Customers Can Fuel Your Growth

Everybody wants to make better decisions for the future. In my Coaching Tip today we’re going to talk about how customers can fuel your growth if you focus on being super relevant to them.

Too many agents are concerned about the extras and they don’t make the most of what they’ve got. It’s the basics that are most important starting with understanding where your customer lives. If you show them specific properties they could upgrade into they can become a seller overnight. Getting that information you need means asking the right questions in the right order, and asking permission.

I’m going to break down that dialogue for you in the video and show you how it works. The key elements to it are using language that is different from the normal real estate agent dialogue, making yourself specific and relevant, asking for that permission, and making it hard for them to say no to your requests.

You also need to know what to do once you’ve got those customers in your database. Think about how you can build relationships with them and upgrade them to face-to-face clients. From there you want them to be someone who refers to you because they see that you’re good at what you do.

I’ll also give you some dialogue that works to help you book those appointments. You’ll learn what to say to make your services look attractive, personalised, and valuable. You’ll see how customers can fuel your growth if you’re doing those simple, basic things. Get the information you need to help them make better decisions for their future instead of wasting time on extras.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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