Price Quality Time Triangle

If you’re going to deliver quality service with a quick turnaround time, you have to charge the right price for that service. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you why it is with price vs. quality vs. time, you will always have to sacrifice one of those three.

We’ve seen a lot of fee discounters coming into the Australian marketplace, whilst at the same time in New Zealand almost everyone charges a set 3.95% fee. They can command that fee because they understand their value.

Too many agents don’t understand that lowering their price means they also have to lower their quality or speed. You simply cannot deliver all three at the same time.

You can’t be quick, high quality, and cheap on price because you need additional people or additional resources in order to deliver high quality and speed. Those people and resources aren’t free, so you have to decide what it is you really want to do. Are you going to negotiate based on your pricing, or on the high quality of service and speed of transaction you provide?

It really comes down to the types of systems you have in place, the quality of your marketing, usability of your database, and the quality of the training base you provide for your team. Think price vs. quality vs. time, and make sure you know exactly where you’re positioning yourself. Know what it is that you deliver to the marketplace so you can be deliberate around your pricing.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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