Opportunity Gaps

If you’re really honest about the status of your business you’re going to see room for improvement. Today my Growth, Leadership and Management tip is about finding your opportunity gaps and planning to grow past them.

The most fundamental area of growth that too many businesses overlook is around recruitment. Just like a sports team, you must always be bringing in fresh talent. Every year that your company grows you must evaluate team members, renew contracts or trade players, and keep upgrading the quality of your talent.

Recruitment also prevents stagnation. You may have the perfect team today, but the profile changes as people retire or look to move on. Often an owner simply loses the drive to continue building their team.

Do you have the right people in the right roles to meet current changing conditions? Are you transitioning those roles, adding new ones, and remaining adaptive to those changes? Does your administration allow a smooth, efficient process for doing business?

It’s easy to get so focused on listings and sales that we become tactically excellent but strategically negligent. It’s critical to find your opportunity gaps and plan for growth if you’re going to build a great business. Just address 3 things every 90 days and you’ll have 12 projects nailed for the year to rapidly reshape your business and increase your earning capability.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Growth, Leadership and Management tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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