Playing from Center

Both winning and losing can really throw you off balance. My Coaching Tip this week is about playing from center and dealing with the highs and lows no matter what’s coming at you.

People who compete in sports have an interesting psychology. Winning gives them anxiety. Winning means they now have a higher position to maintain. Second place means they didn’t try hard enough or they would have won. Third place is probably the best place to be because that athlete made the podium.

You want to be able to look at your highs and lows as normal and not let them impact you. It’s important to remember that you are not your business. It’s not personal. So if you’re in a losing position there are things you can examine and improve. The role of a great agent is to understand what’s going wrong and take action right away to set things right.

Now, I’ve identified 3 people to help me keep to center: a positive person, a negative person and a neutral person. If I’m feeling down I call the positive person to pump me up. If I’m winning and feeling it I call the negative person to balance that high. If I’m faltering and uncertain I call the neutral person to get advice and stability. It’s crucial that you always play from center in front of the customer, or even your family. Take a walk, go to the gym, listen to music – do whatever works for you to build momentum and regain emotional control.

Playing from center means not letting the highs get too high or the lows too low. Watch what you’re communicating to others and how. Make sure they see you at your best.
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Not sure if I ever get so high that I want to hang with the negative person but can see the logic :) I will definitely seek the balanced and positive though.

  2. Nice one Josh… Equanimity or balance regardless of what is happening is so so important. Focus on the actions, do your duty well & let go of attachment to the result.

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