How Fit is your Database?

Database categories are an integral part of database fitness. Like your own fitness, it’s a decision you make and follow through on every day so you can perform the way you want to. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll explain why these categories are necessary and how to use them.

Defined categories let you target marketing to groups of customers rather than individuals. Our first category is the general buyer category you’ll send your automated buyer alerts to. Then you have a buyer hit list of active buyers who have made a bid or offer on a property, come to a second appointment, and otherwise demonstrated interest and emotional involvement in doing business with you.

Similarly you have potential sellers you want to get face-to-face with. A market appraisal will tell you if they’re at a red light, orange light or green light position toward selling a property. Your seller hit list, then, will be those green light sellers you’ll place in your lead nurture sequence for listing presentation to receive market reports, videos and other timely, relevant news. Once they are selling with you they become vendors.

The next really important category is past clients. These are all the people who have already bought and sold with you. They would likely do business with you again and are great key referrers if you simply maintain that good relationship with them.

It’s important to define these categories so everyone working with you understands who they are working with and how to progress those customers into their appropriate categories. The key to a clean, fit database is clear, active database categories that allow you to serve the category, not just the person.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Hi Josh,
    Which are the best database softwares you would recommend?
    I use MS Excel currently. Any suggestions ?

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