Perfecting the List to Launch

There are several ways to sell a property and today I’m going to talk about perfecting the list to launch process. The key is to do what’s best for your client, help them make the tough decisions, and make their experience as stress-free and profitable as possible.

I want you to realize that once you list a property to the major real estate websites you’ve lost your leverage for negotiation, so don’t rush the process. Make the most of the time you have before listing to identify and remove anything that might delay completing a transaction. Start the process early to give you more time to sort things out. This also allows you to handle more listings more thoroughly, and avoid rework or delays.

Consider things you can take care of ahead of time like legal forms and contracts, photos, renovations and presentation. Prepare to go to market, but get some prospective buyers to see the property before you list. Make a “buy here first” list of people who have recently missed out on a property, have recently made offers on other homes, or need to move out of their current home soon. Those emotional buyers are ready to buy. Do some compression selling by letting them see each other so they know they have competition. Now when you list someone is going to make an offer. Then you can decide whether sale or auction is the best way to go. Do what’s best for the owner, and set the property up for success.

Work towards perfecting your list to launch by reducing your overall days on market, building social proof with signboards and sold stickers, and providing exceptional customer service that gets you referrals.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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