Going the Distance

Being a great agent is all about going the distance. That means demonstrated tenacity, stability and consistency. In today’s Coaching Tip I’ll be talking about the things you need to focus on to take you where you want to go in your career.

The best way to maintain consistency is to start off where you want to end up. Real success takes years to achieve, but it takes even longer if your path is not direct. You’ll need to develop keen capabilities around generating leads, listing properties and maintaining relationships. How you work with people is so important for getting listings. Learn to ask the right questions to get the information you need to advise your clients and guide their decisions to get the results they desire.

You have to be a great prospector, on the phones every morning without fail. This is how you get face to face with clients every day, build relationships, get listings and generate referrals. You also have to be an effective lister and know how to present to each customer individually. And you must be committed to serving the client’s needs first.

Going the distance is all about being there fully day after day for your client, for your team and for your business. It’s longevity that establishes you as a great agent. One signboard at a time.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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