Getting over Fear, Procrastination and Distractions

You know you’ve got potential, but you’re just not accomplishing as much as you should. In my Coaching Tip today I’m going to tell you how to overcome fear, procrastination and distractions with focus and momentum, and make every minute count.

A winning real estate career requires confidence, but when you’re operating from fear you’re not going to make it. You must have clarity around your goals, your purpose, and what success looks and feels like to you.

Let’s start by defining work time and holiday time. If you know you have time off at regular intervals it’s much easier to stay on task when it’s time to work. Schedule all your holidays 12 months in advance and stick to that schedule to make sure you have that time to re-energize.

You’ll utilise your time according to how you look at it. Procrastination takes hold when your time is undefined, so make sure you follow a daily schedule so every minute is structured. Not only will you get your work done, you’ll also have the time you need for the important things in your life.

Achieving focus and momentum in your work is really quite simple. Do these 2 things consistently:
• Generate leads
• Track your numbers

Our membership program includes tools that make it easy to measure critical numbers and realize consistent growth and performance. When you schedule your days make a task list for prospecting in the morning and meeting appointments in the afternoon, but also set times for exercise and nutrition so your energy stays high.

Your time is valuable so teach the people around you to respect your schedule. But first you have to take time seriously yourself. To end the cycle of fear, procrastination and distractions you need clarity around your goals and your vision of success because you can’t focus on what you can’t see. And you have to know what needs to be done before you can do it.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. hi Josh. I’ve been following you for years and really appreciate the weekly tips. I’m at a point where I’m struggling to find the self motivation to do what I need to. But also at a point where Im hungry for much much more. Keen to see you at Arec and discuss whether you’re coaching might be the right fit for me. I’m sure you’re already heavily booked but do you think you could fit me in to have a chat about what I’m doing and whether you can help me grow my business? Let me know when would suit. Many thanks, Brett 0421606422

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