Getting Intention to Have a Great Day

You never have to have an unsatisfying day at work again. In today’s Coaching Tip I’m talking about getting intention to have a good day, and it’s all about preparation and clarity based on a few simple rules and habits.

Setting your intentions not only helps you get the most out of each day, but it helps everyone who works with you. Most importantly, it teaches others to respect your time. Begin by setting a few basic rules for each day:
• The time you wake up
• The time you arrive at the office
• How soon you make your first phone call
• The time you have lunch
• The time your day ends

Starting your days a little early at the first of the week gives you momentum and also allows you to be home early some evenings. Making sure you allow for quality personal time helps you avoid burnout and maintain longevity in your career.

You’ll do your best work when you are relaxed with plenty of energy in reserve. The key is to stay ahead of the curve and practice renewal. Having a checklist of daily priorities will help you stay on track without having to think about what you’re doing next. My checklists look something like this:

Monday – Open for inspection callbacks
Vendor reports
Tuesday – Call potential sellers
Review past market appraisal customers
Wednesday – 10-day open for inspection callbacks
Prepare for midweek opens
Thursday – Call past clients
Review advertising
Friday – Work potential buyers/sellers
Work market appraisals
Prepare for Saturday opens

These are all simple tasks and having them outlined helps, but many of these tasks should be delegated to your team so you can focus on prospecting and appointments. In particular, you need an assistant to handle incoming Internet and phone inquiries. Responsiveness is especially critical as you scale your business.

Always knowing what’s happening in your business whilst being able to focus on your scheduled daily tasks will ensure you’re getting intention to have a good day every day so you can enjoy becoming the best agent you can be.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Thanks Josh, this was such a great Coaching Tip. I am just new in the industry working only Saturdays and am so keen to jump in, quit my current job and work full time in real estate. This coaching tip gave me great insight into how things work through the week! Thank you very much! Your tips are so useful.

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