How to Scale and Build

You have a greater capacity for growth than you think. In this month’s Growth Leadership and Management Tip I explain how to scale and build your business through clarity of vision, organisation, and building a quality team.

Most agents think in limited terms of layered growth, simply improving exiting systems and resources a little bit each year to make 2 times their current numbers. But what if you could achieve 10 times your current success rate? That’s a 2X vs. 10X mindset. Real growth requires getting clarity on what you want to achieve and projecting on what it would take to make that happen.

Getting clarity begins with focusing on the Big 3 activities you should be doing. Then look at the tasks you actually spend most of your time on. The problem with doing too many tasks yourself is that you can’t do any of them well, and you won’t get the work done that you really should be focusing on. You need to hire people to do those necessary secondary tasks for you.

An organizational chart helps you visualize everything that must get done and who you need on board to do them. The most important position is an office manager who coordinates all your daily operations so you don’t have to. Review the chart periodically, and add positions and people as your business expands. Always be thinking ahead about roles you need to hire for and talent you want to recruit. This will help you make better decisions toward building your team.

Once you have clarity around your Big 3 and your organisational structure you can focus on projects you want to work on throughout the year and over the next 90 days. Put together an execution team of people who are not directly selling or managing properties. Meet with them to establish each role’s Big 3 and their part in your long and short-term goals, and have them chart their own plans for the next 5 years

This is not going to come together in a day, so allow time for everyone to get clear on your proposed goals and expectations. Once everyone is on the same track your momentum will really take off.

Examining what other successful agencies are doing can help you decide how to scale and build your own business, but don’t focus on externals like branding and marketing. You want to know how they’ve structured their internal organization and what kind of people they hire because it’s your people who will drive your operations and allow you the freedom to focus and achieve your true potential.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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