The Hierarchy of Work

Just one listing can change everything, yet so few agents follow a hierarchy of work to get it. Today in my Coaching Tip I’ll show you how to structure your prospecting and discover the opportunities you’re missing.

When you first start out in real estate your prospecting goals are mostly based around getting new clients. At some point your focus needs to shift to working more with the people you already know. These people already see you as a trusted advisor and they would rather work with an agent they know than take a chance with your competitors. Not only are they potential buyers and sellers, they are also your key referrers.

You may think you won’t work with a recent client again for years, but sometimes people turn over a property within days, or even hours, of settlement. Life can switch from red to orange to green in seconds. You want to be top of the list to handle that client’s next transaction whenever it happens. Past clients and key referrers are at the top of your hierarchy.

Landlords are often overlooked as multidimensional customers. Most agents only consider the properties they manage, but landlords have homes, too, and they may live in some of your most lucrative markets. Find out where they own property and put them inside of your database for targeted marketing in those categories.

Buyer work comes next with follow-ups to people you’ve met at open for inspections or who have made online inquiries. Then look at potential sellers such as market appraisals you’ve spoken with.

It’s common to target new potential markets from a geographic base, but think about your relationship areas where you already know a significant number of people. This is a market where you are already relevant and can quickly expand your influence.

There are usually only a couple of things you need to focus on to really boon your business and those activities involve keeping current with people you already know, including your personal relationships. Following a system for contacting all your prospects will ensure you have consistent opens and listings. Always be thinking of people you know but haven’t reached out to and put them into your hierarchy of work.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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