Don’t get crushed by Rapid growth

Many businesses fail when they enter a rapid growth phase. Their leadership becomes overwhelmed and can’t keep up with the expansion. You don’t have to be one of them. In this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management tip I’ll tell you how to build the capacity to sustain growth and thrive.

Growth capacity begins with alignment, which means everyone inside of your business knows your vision, and they’re clear on what they need to do and how their position contributes value to the overall success of the business.

Establishing alignment requires that you know your Big Three primary functions:
1. You have to be good at what you do or the business will fail.
2. You must be able to clearly communicate your vision, direction and expectations.
3. You must build the capacity to scale so your business can grow consistently without stalling out.

Scaling your business relies on hiring enough capable people to handle the tasks that take you away from performing your primary roles. Don’t wait until you’re overwhelmed with accelerated demands – have a recruitment plan for bringing in new talent before you desperately need them, and build a quality execution team with the right people in place.

These three leadership functions are critical:
• Your clarity of vision sets the direction your company will take.
• The capability of each new hire determines your ability to scale successfully.
• Your systems for recruitment and onboarding must assure alignment and scalability.

Sustainable growth requires highly functional people, regular team planning, capacity for growth and systems that work. With these elements in place you can’t grow too fast to keep up because you are prepared in advance for every leap forward. You can now do the work that matters most and enjoy your success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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