3 Steps to Building a Great Business

There are 3 steps to building a great business and my Coaching Tip today is all about taking those steps to build, work and convert. It all begins with building your database and getting as many people into it as possible. That’s Step 1.

You can build your database with cold calling, door knocking, or other conventional ways. But the smart way to do it is by working with the people you already know. Your estate agency has lists of property inquiries, visitors to opens, and past clients that other agents aren’t contacting. I’ll also tell you how one of my clients created an opportunity to generate new contacts. The key is to get in front of those people and start building your database from there.

As soon as you have contacts in your database you can start Step 2, which is working it. Most agents don’t have a process for it, but I’m giving you one here: Every time you list a new property, search your database for all the people you know in that area and ring them up to invite them to the open for inspection. But don’t stop there, send them a reminder in the mail with a brochure to get them thinking about the value of their own home. Next, send them an SMS just before the Saturday open for inspection.

At this point you’ve begun Step 3 in building a relationship, so when they show up at the open home make sure you have that first real conversation and then follow through on it. Call them after the home sells to inform them of the price and offer them an appraisal of their own property. Then mail them a summary report of the complete sale campaign results. This process of the 3 steps to building a great business is what it takes to establish that depth of relationship with your client, and to build and work a database that converts.

I really hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you next week.

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