The #1 Thing is Consistency

There are cycles in the marketplace around seasons and holidays, and the great real estate agents know to stay ahead of those cycles. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you why the number one thing is consistency, and why all the great agents rely on a marketing calendar.

As real estate agents we’ve always got a ton of stuff coming at us, so as soon as we find ourselves in a position where we’ve got a lot of stock and the pressure is off, we stop marketing until market stops moving. But you need to be marketing all the time, and a marketing calendar keeps you rolling even when you’re busy.

Most marketplace cycles are no surprise because seasons, holidays and major events happen at the same time every year. You can plan ahead for email campaigns, topics for phone conversations, and direct mail content. In my business, we use a marketing calendar to consistently deliver our weekly videos every Saturday morning. We’ve done this for 8 years without fail.

You need to do the same thing inside of your business. Know what kinds of marketing campaigns you’ll be doing. Allow lead times for production. Target database categories with specific marketing messages such as buyer alerts, current market conditions, and monthly sales for specific areas and client categories. And use templates for visual consistency in branding, especially for mobile viewing.

The number one thing is consistency because it really wins inside of your business. It’s that professional presentation, relevancy, and regularity that will underpin customer confidence in making that decision to buy or sell with you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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