Nick Gauci

Welcome to The Black & White Interviews, a Josh Phegan initiative to showcase the top agents we work within Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. Our next Black & White interview series will feature Nick Gauci, Director from Prudential Real Estate Narellan.

  • Started in real estate in 2008
  • Has a team of 3 including himself – a Sales Associate/Operations Manager (buyer work, open homes, buyer management, vendor management, team management) plus an Administration and Marketing assistant
  • Core market South West Growth Corridor (Oran Park – Camden)
  • 2016/17 Financial Year- on track for 90+ transactions
  • 80% for sale versus 20% auction
  • Average DOM is 18
  • Advice for new agents: Focus on the long-term game and get good at building a database so your listing pipeline never runs dry; surround yourself with people who are successful and get some mentors; have an attitude of gratitude in everything you do and be genuine about it
  • Overcoming challenges: Painted a very clear picture about what I wanted to achieve and everything that I do relates back to those core goals and values. When making a decision or working out how to overcome an obstacle I just ask myself the question, “Is this a match for my values and is this going to help me get closer to my goals?”. Also, learning to say “next”. You only have a certain amount of energy each day. You can use this energy to stay stressing about challenges or you can use this energy to work out a solution and use the challenge as an opportunity to grow. I prefer the second alternative.

We wanted the opportunity to showcase the top agents we get to work with and share their secrets and insights of how they have become exceptional agents in their marketplace and made their way to the top. Each month we will feature a new agent. The full-length version of these interviews will be available exclusively to Josh Phegan Members, giving you a great opportunity to learn and grow from the top agents and their strategies for becoming million dollar agents.

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