Michael is the number one sales person for Sotheby’s International Realty worldwide. He has personally negotiated in excess of 1000 eastern suburbs luxury homes in Sydney. His sales include the most expensive home ever sold in Australia, as a joint agent, the nation’s most expensive apartment per square metre and the most expensive home ever sold at auction in the country. Since 2013 Michael has personally sold 27 eastern suburbs homes for in excess of $10,000,000 each. He will be speaking at the List Sell Negotiate event on November 11.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.

What does success look like for you?

Success is being content with yourself and the people around you.

How do you stay hungry and inspired to achieve more?

Every day is a great challenge and it’s very rewarding working as part of a team and achieving the results.

What’s the best thing about the real estate industry?

Every day you deal with great people and lovely homes.

What one thought do you want to leave LSN attendees with?

If you believe in yourself and you are prepared to put the work in you can do it.

// Learn more about this year’s List Sell Negotiate event at listsellnegotiate.com.au


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