He’s developed a reputation as the coach of some of Australia’s greatest agents who have built rapid and sustainable market share to become household names in the last 10 years. With over 204 speaking engagements per year in Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA, he’s the in-demand coach for rapid business growth. With simple systems and quick thinking he’s the architect behind some of the fastest growing brands and individuals. From innovative marketing to real world dialogue that helps you to win more business more often, he’s the go-to guy to get your business moving fast with simple systems that sustain year-on-year growth.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Travel – Spend at least two weeks a year in a non-English speaking country. It teaches you how to communicate and appreciate what you’ve got.

What does success look like for you?

Living out the purpose of our company – to inspire estate agents to achieve their potential and financial freedom.
The experiences you have and the people you get to share them with.

How do you stay hungry and inspired to achieve more?

I read a lot and have a virtual boardroom. I look for mentors in lots of areas, to challenge me, guide me and hold me accountable.

What’s the best thing about the real estate industry?

The people. A great estate agent helps people to make decisions. You should never underestimate the power of a conversation.

What one thought do you want to leave LSN attendees with?

There is more opportunity than you see and systems-driven business always achieves growth.

// Learn more about this year’s List Sell Negotiate event at listsellnegotiate.com.au


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