LSN Take 5 with … Georgia Cleary


In 1989 Georgia set out to become one of the Eastern Suburbs leading agents, taking on the industry with her down to earth, straightforward and passionate approach to selling residential real estate. She’s stood the test of time, succeeded in all types of markets and always maximised the sale price for her vendors through her attention to detail around styling, presentation, her frank upfront & honest communication and negotiation skills. She will be speaking at the List Sell Negotiate event on November 11.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given was ‘that a wise head holds a still tongue’-listen more than you speak. Through listening you learn so much more about your clients and certainly sometimes as difficult as it seems at the end of the day the client is more important so what they have to say should matter to you. Listening to your clients also builds an enormous amount of trust and empathy between parties. Once you understand their reasons for making the decisions they are, you are able to better manage and meet their expectations, manage their emotional well being and deliver the level of service they require. In doing so it also builds trust and trust builds long term relationships.

What does success look like for you?

Success for me is that point at which you feel the market place respects and values your opinion, your advice and your skills. Getting to this point takes many many years, the willingness to build long term relationships, the desire to act with integrity and the energy to back up everyday-to be reliable. Reliability is everything in business.

How do you stay hungry and inspired to achieve more?

I personally feel hunger is inside you or its not. You can’t turn it on. You have to want to get up everyday and achieve something-big or small. To do this you need to set goals, create lists and have ambition. The ‘more’ comes from reaching those mile stones each and every day that inches you closer to the bigger goals and the bigger picture! Inspiration also comes from feeling like you make a difference, that you add value in what you do in helping others achieve their goals too.

What’s the best thing about the real estate industry?

Most definitely the relationships and friendships made by the huge volume of people you have the opportunity to meet each and every day (and you never know where this may take you) and the flexibility of the working day. It means the industry is open to all – of course you need an enormous amount of self discipline to ensure you make a success of each and every day and do not abuse this aspect of the industry.

What one thought do you want to leave LSN attendees with?

That the quality of your service and business is just as powerful as the quantity of your business.

// Learn more about this year’s List Sell Negotiate event at


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