Ep 173 – Setting Goals as an Agent

In this High-PerformancePodcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss guidelines for setting goals as an agent. Alex offers his tips for new agents and also those who have been in the industry for years. Josh notes that the better you understand the goals you want to achieve, the better your outcomes will be. They discuss the kinds of goals you may want to set, and Josh breaks down what a goal looks like. They talk about getting intentional about your core basic numbers, and Alex explains how writing down your goals helps you stay in the right mindframe to reach them.

Josh notes the importance of reviewing your goals often to stay on track, staying healthy by being consistent, finding a mentor to show you exactly what you need to do, and he sums up with the only reason a goal isn’t achieved is that you don’t have a system for it.

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