Geordie Dixon

Welcome to The Black & White Interviews, a Josh Phegan initiative to showcase the top agents we work within Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. Our next Black & White interview series will feature Geordie Dixon, Director from Jellis Craig Boroondara.

  • Director and Licensed Estate Agent
  • 1998 (20 years next year)
  • Core Market – Canterbury, but also Camberwell/Surrey Hills
  • 72 transactions this year to date with a goal between 80/90
  • 89% Auction
  • A team of 4 including 2 leading agents, Buyers Assistant plus Team Manager to help manage
  • Average days on market is 23
  • Won sales team of the year 2013/2014. Consistently in top three teams here over past five years
  • Advice for new agents: Keep a good database, work your buyers as buyers become sellers so impress them early, build a relationship. Don’t judge your success by others – run your own race.
  • Overcoming challenges: Early on it was all about finding your voice. As a PA it’s difficult to add value or feel of worth when dealing with clients so it’s working out what your strengths are and then making that your angle in. Being a young female starting out in a male-dominated industry 20 years ago, I had to make sure I found my voice and ran my own race. Good mentors and support is vital for any one at any level.

We wanted the opportunity to showcase the top agents we get to work with and share their secrets and insights of how they have become exceptional agents in their marketplace and made their way to the top. Each month we will feature a new agent. The full-length version of these interviews will be available exclusively to Josh Phegan Members, giving you a great opportunity to learn and grow from the top agents and their strategies for becoming million dollar agents.

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