LSN18 Special Edition – What To Do For What’s Ahead

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips live at LSN 2018 discussing what to do for what’s ahead. Alex talks about how his new year has already started, and how he’s progressing clients and getting people on the market sooner than the competition. They discuss lining up listings for this year and planning around elections and holidays next year. Alex notes the benefits of going on holiday with several listings in your top drawer when you get back. He also explains how fears around the upcoming election can be used as a driver to get people to make timely decisions.

Alex advises getting mentally prepared to adapt and change ahead of the market, details the kinds of calls he and his team are making and the numbers around that, and tells how agents are actually driving down fees. He ends with advice on thriving in the year ahead.

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