Ep 113 – The Role of the Pre-List Kit

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about the role of the pre-list kit. Alex describes how this tool has evolved over the years and why it’s still relevant today. Josh advises around the power of simplicity in delivering the message, and Alex lists elements he likes to see in a pre-list kit. They discuss how to determine the ideal total read time, who should receive the kit. Alex outlines what goes into his kit, and they weigh in on digital format vs. delivering a printed kit to the customer.

Alex notes his kits are specific to the property but the same for each customer, and defines the role of the pre-list kit in the listing presentation, especially in demonstrating why you’re the agent the customer wants to hire to sell their house.

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  1. Great info. The Sales Graph that of the past 20 sales you spoke about – is there any chance you can send me a copy so I can see what this looks like. I currently list mine in the kit but would like to see another way of presenting the info. Thanks heaps Adele

  2. Hi can i please also have a copy of The Sales Graph that of the past 20 sales?

    Thanks in advance

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