LSN Take 5 with … Andrew Keleher


He’s the lead director in one of the most fiercely competitive markets in Melbourne. A tried and trusted performer with over 1000 transactions under his belt and the titles to match, including Jellis Craig Salesperson of the year from 2012 to 2015. He leads a team of dynamic agents to victory, keeping hungry, humble and well balanced. He will be speaking at the List Sell Negotiate event on November 11.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Set the bar higher and enjoy the ride. Early on in my career I became friends with some very successful agents. I couldn’t understand how they did so much business. As I got to know them better and studied their ways I realised it wasn’t that I didn’t have the skills or scripts but it was more my mindset. I didn’t set goals that challenged me. Once I did this and improved my structure and systems it was amazing how quick I exceeded my goals.

What does success look like for you?

Balance and great holidays. There is no point being the chook with his head cut off running all over town. Take a breath and stop for a minute because if you are this person the crash will be worst the short ride up. I learned very early in my career that to be a successful agent you must have a long sustained run of listings and not the rollercoaster ride of busy then quiet. Successful agents are consistently busy and build an amazing business on attracting clients through great results and always remaining hungry. To get balance in real estate which probably means a lot of different things to different people I believe you have to be as strong lister. This then allows you to control your market and build a team around you. once the team is in place you have leverage and the ability to have a break and switch off. This is just as important to you as it is to your vendors because it keeps you fresh.

How do you stay hungry and inspired to achieve more?

I stay hungry by staying fresh and taking lots of little breaks. I would be locked up in an institution if I didn’t. when you have a break you generally ring ever potential listing before you go to see where they are at as you don’t want to miss a listing and on your return you ring to make sure you didn’t miss the listing. an agent that has no breaks thru the year hates his job and hopes his phone would stop ringing and hasn’t spoken to this client once in that time. Who is working harder? I am goal driven and hate losing a listing so I chase hard and when flat I have somebody else chase it. I look at every listing as something monetary i.e. a $20,000 listing is the kids schooling paid this term. I’m not paying my new best friend is paying for my child’s education. That $30,000 commission has just sent my family to Hawaii and I am very grateful so why would l let the client sent my opposition to Hawaii. Fight harder.

What’s the best thing about the real estate industry?

The sky is the limit and you are only as good and relevant as your last sale. it doesn’t matter what you wrote last year as it is over. if you are prepared to be well trained and put the systems in place and create accountability in your business you could be Australia’s no1 agent in no time. It’s not what score you got at school because if it was we would all be poor but how well you can set up YOU Inc. Are you being serious about your business or are you a passenger. It’s all up to you.

What one thought do you want to leave LSN attendees with?

You are only worth what you ask your client to pay. You can’t expect to be paid full fees if you don’t believe you are worth it or prepared to show them why you are worth it. Just because the others drop their fees doesn’t mean you have too. yes its hard sometimes and you will have some losses but even the cheap agents lose listing. so why not get the ones that want to deal with you at what you are worth. I love talking about commission and it is my one pet hate in real estate. why should we all be the same fee. Lawyers aren’t and surgeons aren’t. do we try to negotiate with them? Why not. Because they don’t base their business around being the cheapest but more about winning or getting the job done. See you all soon for a great day?

// Learn more about this year’s List Sell Negotiate event at


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